Sea Point Tidal Pools

Yesterday, I spent a lot of time exploring. In addition to shopping for dried fruit and spices for Antarctica, I went to Sea Point and spent an hour exploring tidal pools. There are so many organisms that I don't know anything about! Highrise apartments and hotels with the backdrop of mountains frame one side of the beach, with metamorphosed sandstones framing the ocean side. Large swells lift kelp and are broken by the rocks at low tide. The rocks hold the water for the pools. The orange is a sponge, the same color as chert veins in the sandstone. What are the deep red slime domes? The large limpets, like the one above which is about 7 cm in diameter, host many other organisms, in this case mini green starfish. Other, smaller limpets are iridescent, but other small ones host sea weed. The purple ridge on this organism overlies a muscle that lifts the gas-filled bag of its body up out of the water, or relaxes to let it lie flat. ...