
Written November 15, 2009 I love taking walks. Every time I do, I make surprising new discoveries. My first walk was to the Taylor Glacier and up across the moraines (debris left by glaciers) south of Lake Joyce. The landscape has all sorts of strange mounds and hollows that I now know probably form when buried ground ice thaws and the water runs out. The surface collapses making a hollow and leaving mounds behind. This walk was a wander. My second walk was more directed. Dale had spotted a possible ice patch on a Google Earth image before we left the US. He was hoping to be able to find it on the ground once we got here. He showed me where it was, and I walked in that direction. After seeing tons of cool things, including polygonal fractures caused by expansion and contraction of the ground, I walked over a big mound of till (also debris left by glaciers) and found this beautiful blue ice patch. The ice is clear and has bubbles caught in it, which indicates that it was a...